I can't play.


Edited 14 February 2018 - 7:20 am by KingOfScotland
I have AoE II installed with all the expansions (from steam) and still tells me that I have to install a patch, but when I install it still doesnt let me play..
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I don't really know what to do, if I have to install the game again from steam or what.
Sin ttulo.png (file size: 191.46 KB)

लिंक | उत्तर | उद्धरण

Edited 14 February 2018 - 2:24 pm by +chris@voobly
see if this helps: https://support.voobly.com/display/vkb/KB1054+Clean+installation+of+Aoe2HD+with+compatibility+patch

लिंक | उत्तर | उद्धरण
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